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Seeding Square: Seed & Seedling Spacer Tool – Grow Perfectly Spaced Vegetables, Reduce Weeds, Conserve Water & Maximize Yield – Square-Foot-Gardening Seed Spacer with Dibble, Spaci B00US8ESWK

(해외배송 가능상품)
기본 정보
상품명 Seeding Square: Seed & Seedling Spacer Tool – Grow Perfectly Spaced Vegetables, Reduce Weeds, Conserve Water & Maximize Yield – Square-Foot-Gardening Seed Spacer with Dibble, Spaci B00US8ESWK
영문상품명 Seeding Square – Square Foot Gardening Template – Seed Sowing Tool Kit comes with: Colour Coded Seed Spacer Template & Magnetic Seed Dibber / Seed Ruler / Seed Spoon & Vegetable Ga
판매가 60,450원
소비자가 60,450원
제조사 아마존 AMAZON AU
브랜드 자체브랜드
원산지 해외 해외(상세설명 참조)
적립금 600원 (1%)
배송비 무료
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사용후기 0
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Seeding Square: Seed & Seedling Spacer Tool – Grow Perfectly Spaced Vegetables, Reduce Weeds, Conserve Water & Maximize Yield – Square-Foot-Gardening Seed Spacer with Dibble, Spaci B00US8ESWK 수량증가 수량감소 60450 (  600)
총 상품금액(수량) : 0 (0개)

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Seeding Square: Seed & Seedling Spacer Tool – Grow Perfectly Spaced Vegetables, Reduce Weeds, Conserve Water & Maximize Yield – Square-Foot-Gardening Seed Spacer with Dibble, Spaci

- 🥕VEGETABLE GARDENING MADE SIMPLE🥦 Plant your garden with ease and grow (a lot) more food in less space. This innovative garden tool ensures that you sow seeds (and seedlings) at just the right distance apart, giving you maximum use of your available space. Bonus: spacing plants this way reduces the amount of exposed soil – resulting in less water evaporation and a lower water bill for your garden.
- 🍉SPOT WEEDS EASILY🥒 Using Seeding Square on planting day will organise your garden like a dream and it’s a time-saver when it comes to weeding – perfectly spaced plants make weeds stick out like a sore thumb (no more analysing if it’s a weed vs. a seedlings). Bonus: maximizing space creates a thicker and denser crop canopy, which reduces the room available for weeds to grow in. Goodbye weeds!
- 🧅ALL AGES & ALL GARDENS 🌶️ Beginners, professionals, enthusiasts and kids – the Seeding Square seed spacer is fun for everyone. Whether your growing area is a community garden, raised bed, garden box, school garden or a corner of your backyard – this is the tool you’ll want for planting a vegetable garden. Tip: Large gardens can still have rows by pressing and seeding the same type of veg over and over in a line.
- 🍓THREE SIMPLE STEPS🥬 Here's what you do... 1.) Press the square into the soil. 2.) Poke the holes. 3.) Plant your seeds. That’s it - seed spacing solved! The kit includes the Seeding Square spacing template with its colour-coded holes, a magnetized seed dibbler with depth markings and seed spoon, a clip-on seed funnel, and the colour-coded planting guide with the spacing needs of 46 different fruits and vegetables – all ready for planting day!
- 🌽BUILT TO LAST🍅 We tried to think of everything - including longevity. Seeding Square is crafted from premium quality ABS plastic for durability and long-lasting use. Buy it once and plant for years to come. The compact and lightweight design can be conveniently stored after use and cleaned with a garden hose or in the sink. For a PDF of the Guide/Instructions, contact your seller. Tag in on social media with #seedingsquare #growyourfood & #plantingday











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배송 방법 : 택배
배송 지역 : 전국지역
배송 비용 : 무료
배송 기간 : 3일 ~ 7일
배송 안내 : 롯데택배를 통해 국내통관 후, 우체국 등기로 발송됩니다.

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상품이 배대지로 이동된 경우: 9,900원 + 호주내 반품비용(무게에 따라 다름)

상품이 공항으로 이동된 경우: 해외 왕복 배송료  



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