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보겔 바이오스낵키 케이거렛 (미디엄 제미네이터), Vogel Biosnacky Keimgerat (Medium Germinator)

(해외배송 가능상품)
기본 정보
상품명 보겔 바이오스낵키 케이거렛 (미디엄 제미네이터), Vogel Biosnacky Keimgerat (Medium Germinator)
영문상품명 Vogel Biosnacky Keimgerat (Medium Germinator)
판매가 51,000원 재입고 알림 SMS
소비자가 61,800원
제조사 상세설명 참조
브랜드 Vogel
원산지 해외 해외(상세설명 참조)
적립금 510원 (1%)
배송비 7,900원 ~ 9,900원

구매조건에 따라 배송비 차등부과

  • 0원 이상 ~ 100,000원 미만9,900원
  • 100,000원 이상 ~ 150,000원 미만8,900원
  • 150,000원 이상 ~ 200,000원 미만7,900원
택배 택배
사용후기 0
상품문의 0
관련상품수 0
수량 수량증가수량감소

개인결제창을 통한 결제 시 네이버 마일리지 적립 및 사용이 가능합니다.

상품 옵션

상품 옵션

(최소주문수량 1개 이상 / 최대주문수량 6개 이하)

사이즈 가이드

상품 목록


상품 목록
상품명 상품수 가격
보겔 바이오스낵키 케이거렛 (미디엄 제미네이터), Vogel Biosnacky Keimgerat (Medium Germinator) 수량증가 수량감소 51000 (  510)
총 상품금액(수량) : 0 (0개)

할인가가 적용된 최종 결제예정금액은 주문 시 확인할 수 있습니다.

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Vogel Biosnacky Keimgerat (Medium Germinator)


Use seed sprouters to grow your own sprouts - 3 tier germinator

Turn your kitchen into a greenhouse! Discover how quick and easy it is to cultivate your own fresh and crunchy shoots and sprouts using an Original BioSnacky Sprouter and BioSnacky Seeds from organically controlled crops.Have fun watching the shoots grow in the comfort of your own kitchen. You can harvest them in a matter of days. Sprouts and shoots are the perfect accompaniment to a well-balanced diet any time of the year and are a great source of vitamins and minerals. What better way to look after your health and at the same time protect the environment and its natural resources!

This medium seed sprouter is made from environmentally friendly acrylic. It consists of three trays for the germination of seeds, a tray for collecting water used to irrigate your seeds and a lid. With the 3 tier sprouter, you will be able to ‘sow’ your sprouts at staggered intervals – starting every 2 or 3 days. This allows you to have a more consistent supply of sprouts. As one tray of sprouts is ready for harvesting, the others will contain seeds just starting to germinate. Water the 3 tier germinator from the topmost tray 2 or 3 times daily and see the water drain through all trays via the specially designed plug which uses capillary action to make sure that all layers remain moist, feeding your seeds and sprouts.

The BioSnacky Medium Sprouter comprises of:
1 flat lid - This ensures a consistently damp environment and protects seedlings from dust and other harmful external influences.
3 seed trays - Large, transparent seed trays enable you to cultivate up to three different types of seeds as the same time. Or, if you prefer, you may harvest continually by staggering the sowing of seeds.
unique ventilation slits - 3 ventilation slits in each seed tray and in the lid ensure that metabolic gases are completely discharged.
3 red drainage syphons - These special drainage syphons ensure a steady flow of water through the sprouter and a constant level of moisture.
1 water tray (base) - After seeds have been watered, all surplus water is collected in the water tray at the base of the sprouter.

The entire unit ensemble measures 20.5cm in diameter and 15cm in height.

Each seed tray is 4cm in height.


Eco-friendly acrylic (specially recommended for foodstuffs)
Dishwasher safe to a temperature of approximately 85°C
Contains no cadmium or formaldehyde
Optimum light exposure and air circulation due to the transparent round seed trays with ventilation slits

Direction for Use

1. Soaking
Due to the unique irrigation system developed for the original BioSnacky sprouter, seeds do not require soaking prior to sowing.
2. Rinsing
Rinse lid, seed trays, syphons, water tray and desired seeds thoroughly under cold running water. Place the required amount of seeds on each seed tray with a tablespoon - Do not exceed the recommended amounts or the growth of you seeds will be affected. When stacking seed trays containing seeds, ensure that the red syphons are not directly on top of each other but are staggered. Pour sufficient water into the uppermost seed tray in order to submerge the siphon cap (at least ½ litre). You must put sufficient water into the Sprouter otherwise there will not be enough water pressure. As a result of the way the BioSnacky Original Sprouter has been designed, each seed tray will automatically be watered one after the other. Any surplus water will be collected in the water tray. Empty the water tray as soon as the water has drained through the Sprouter. This surplus water is ideal for use on indoor plants.
3. Placement
Place your closed Original Sprouter in a well lit spot, not in direct sunlight at room temperature (18-22°C).
4. Growing
All surplus water must drain through the Sprouter and be disposed of, otherwise you risk suffocating the seeds in stagnant water. A small amount of water (1-2 tablespoons) will automatically remain in each seed tray. This provides the seeds with the ideal amount of water to germinate and grow.
5. Harvesting
Your live shoots and sprouts are ready for harvesting within 2-5 days; herbage plants - like Alfalfa - will be ready in 6-8 days.

After harvesting, clean your Mini Sprouter thoroughly with a mixture of water and vinegar and allow


  • 익스프레스 배송
  • 드라이하우스 배송
  • 파손/변질/분실 보험
  • 단열재 포장


무통장 입금시, 입금자명과 실임금자명은

반드시 일치 하셔야만 자동입금 처리가 됩니다.


배송 방법 : 택배
배송 지역 : 전국지역
배송 비용 : 7,900원 ~ 9,900원
배송 기간 : 5일 ~ 14일
배송 안내 : 롯데택배를 통해 국내통관 후, 우체국 등기로 발송됩니다.

교환 및 반품정보

교환 및 반품이 가능한 경우

하자있는 상품을 받으신 경우(수령 후 30일 이내 접수된 상품에 한함)

상품이 광고와 다를 경우(수령 후 30일 이내 접수된 상품에 한함)


교환 및 반품이 불가능한 경우

고객님의 책임 있는 사유로 상품등이 멸실 또는 훼손된 경우

포장을 개봉하였거나 포장이 훼손되어 상품 가치가 상실된 경우

사용에 의하여 상품의 가치가 현저히 감소한 경우

상품을 받으신 날로부터 30일이 지나신 경우

교환 및 반품비용

단순변심에 의한 교환/반품비용은 다음과 같습니다.

상품이 배대지로 이동된 경우: 9,900원

상품이 공항으로 이동된 경우: 해외 왕복 배송료  



고객센터로 문의 주세요.








    • 예금주

    앗! 화면폭이 너무 좁아요.
    브라우져의 사이즈를 더 늘여주세요~

    좁은 화면으로 보실 때는 모바일 기기에서
    최적화된 화면으로 쇼핑을 즐기실 수 있어요~